Saturday, July 14, 2012


Filming for our first full length has been going smooth, everything's falling right into place. Between super humid days and our crazy work schedules riding,filming,and hangin has been a lot easier than expected. A few last filming trips and filming for "Cold Bananas" Which will be released on DVD, should be done. The price is undecided at the moment but I can assure that will be a reasonable and affordable price. We have devoted our time,money,and hard work into making this video happen and we want it to be viewed by people who truly care about BMX and care about supporting their bike scene. We spent too much time on this to be seen on the internet by some lame who is not going to appreciate one ounce of it. That being said, SUPPORT INDEPENDENT BMX FILMS. Everything from trips, merchandise, stickers, DVD's is funded out of our pockets. We just wamt support and respect from our scene in return. If you just took the time to read this post thank you and congratulations, your not an idiot and you give a fuck about us. shout out to our real supporters and real ridaz!

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